Saturday, October 22, 2016

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2015-2016 Troop #44401

Junior Troop 44401

Martha and I are pleased to announce that Troop 44401 will continue to meet, every Monday after school, at the Wallingford Presbyterian Church.  We're getting excited to see the girls again, hear about their summers, and head off on our Junior experience.

We are planning a back-to-troop pot-luck dinner the evening of Monday, September 26th.  During this meeting we will have our bridging ceremony for returning girls to fly-up to Juniors, and an investiture ceremony for new girls.  We will send information about that in a separate email.

We will hold our first meeting on October 3rd, and every Monday that there is school henceforth.  (Martha and I are open to doing informal 'meetings' to serve as after school care the first few weeks of school for girls who need it.  Let us know!)

We have signed up to attend another two-night encamporee, at Camp River Ranch, the first weekend in November, and hope all girls can come to that.

More detailed information, for returning and potential new girls:

I know that, as parents prepare their girls to return to or join our troop, it is important to figure out budgets for both time and money.  I'm trying for a complete accounting below.


Our troop holds weekly meetings, which last a little over an hour.  Any continuing work we do (activities towards a badge, or journey, say) will be done during this time.  We also try to arrange for some free time for the girls.  If your girl has to miss a meeting, its no big deal, although she will want to complete any badge activities on her own at home.  So far, I think we have been able to work with girls as they have conflicts or illness.

Additionally, we may participate in extra events (last year we had a one afternoon bug-badge event, an afternoon of pottery making, a two night camping trip, an afternoon of blanket making, and our climbing party on the last day of school).  While we love to have good attendance for these, it is understood that some girls will have conflicts.

Cookie season require some additional effort on the part of both girls and parents.  Since cookie sales are our primary budget provider, we'll be encouraging all the girls to participate.  Time requirements can range from a few hours of selling, or one two hour booth, to extensive hours of selling.  Cookie sales take place in February and March.  You can see a little more about cookie selling by looking backward in this blog.

Girls can, additionally, take part in many Girl Scout activities outside of our troop.  This summer many of our girls attended camp, and during the year there are a plethora of other activities for the girls to take part in, solo or with friends, should they desire.  None of this is required, however.

Time for parents is minimal - while many parents do volunteer with the troop, many are not in a position to do so, and we are glad we can work with our families to meet them where they are on this dimension.  If a parent desires involvement, however, we can always come up with ideas for service.  In previous years, parents have organized the snack signup, joined occasionally as a small group leader for weekly meetings, driven carpools for camps or field trips, or accompanied the troop as an additional adult on field trips as space allows.


Girl Scouts USA membership fee:  $15  (already covered for returning girls, with last year's cookie proceeds).
Troop #44401 dues:  $40 (covers early activities, materials, etc.)

Girl Scout equipment:

Required:  ($19.50)  ($20.50)  (#44401 $8.75)
(Note:  We will be awarding each girl her GS membership pin as part of our opening ceremonies, and will purchase it separately with troop funds.)

Total = $103.75

There may be some additional fees, to cover extra activities.  This depends, somewhat, on how many cookies the girls sell, as we try to cover expenses with these funds instead of asking for additional contributions.

GSUSA provide financial support for girls in need.  Qualified girls are eligible for up to four grants (areas include Troop dues, Supply voucher for uniforms, Events, along with one camp or travel grant per membership year).

The qualification guidelines are the same as the federal school lunch program.  Find out more here:
You can find more about our finances here:

Thursday, August 25, 2016

A Brownie Story

Two years of Brownies represented via sash.  14 badges, one journey, a bunch of fun patches...  

This might be a great combination for our girls this year.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

End-of-year party.

At the end of the year the girls chose to have a rock climbing party (paid for with Cookie Proceeds).

First, we took the bus over to the Mountaineers location.  Taking the bus was a great activity in itself, and knowing we can navigate the city opens up opportunities for the coming years.  It went really smoothly, and the girls were responsible and polite.  (Shown here with last-day-of-school candy, of course.)

The pros at the Mountaineers gave the girls basic instruction on rock climbing and belay techniques.  Every girl got to try a number of routes on the outside climbing wall.  (And that's fearless leader Martha at the top on the right!)

The girls also enjoyed bouldering on the site.  For some of these girls the climbs were a little intimidating at first, while other girls scampered up quickly, but I think every girl had a good time.


Blanket Making

In May our troop participated in a Service Unit wide event.  During this event our girls helped make a number of fleece blankets, which were then donated to Children's Hospital.  Children's gives these blankets to kids who are hospitalized as a comforting gift.

This was a great event.  Our girls were wonderful, and our troop donated fabric and time for a number of blankets.  (Our materials were paid for using cookie sale proceeds.)  Another fun thing about this event is that the girls got to spend time with and work with other local troops.